Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro P.C., a dynamic full-service law firm with a team of attorneys advising individuals, businesses and families throughout Quincy, Braintree, the South Shore and metro Boston areas, recently hired Plymouth resident Barbara Wilson as a paralegal.
Utilizing her expertise in estate planning and corporate law, Wilson will assist Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro’s team of attorneys in corporate matters, probate and family law matters and litigation cases.
“We’re delighted to add Barbara to our staff here at Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro,” said Paul Barbadoro, a partner at the Firm. “While we specialize in small businesses with a concentration on Boston’s South Shore, Barbara, with her experience in other parts of the country and abroad, brings a perspective that will be invaluable to our attorneys and clients.”
A native of Zimbabwe, Wilson received her certification from Dominican Convent Business College in 1989. Upon emigrating to the United States in 2000, she worked for the law firm of Dowling Aaron, Incorporated in Fresno, California. Prior to relocating to Massachusetts, Wilson served as a judicial assistant to Chief Judge Anthony Ishii of the Eastern District Court in Fresno, California. Barbara’s tenure with the federal court afforded her opportunities to work and train in Washington, D.C., and she quickly developed a love for the East Coast.
“I’m thrilled to be back on the East Coast and to be working for a firm that’s as ingrained in the community as Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro,” said Wilson. “Everything has been wonderful so far and I’m looking forward to this exciting next chapter of my life and career.”
Wilson resides with her two sons in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
About the Firm
Founded in 1995, Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro P.C. is a full-service law firm located in Quincy committed to providing every client with personal attention and superior legal service at reasonable rates.
The firm’s attorneys provide legal advice and counsel to individuals, businesses and families throughout Quincy, Braintree, the South Shore and metro Boston areas. Led by five partners with a combined 100+ years of experience, Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro’s 15 attorneys practice in the following areas: litigation, tax, trust and estate planning, real estate, zoning and land use, corporate law, finance, criminal defense, immigration law, election law, and divorce and family law. Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro also offers a Speaker’s Bureau on topics of tax, estate planning, small business law and corporate law.
Baker, Braverman & Barbadoro, P.C. is headquartered at 300 Crown Colony Drive, Suite 500 in Quincy, MA. For more information, contact (781) 202-6929 or visit their website at http://www.bbb-lawfirm.com.
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