Steve knows the “news” business. Starting his newspaper career by covering the Boston Celtics for the New Bedford Standard Times, Steve and Larry Bird shared rookie years. From there Steve progressed to editing and marketing positions in several publishing companies, including Mariner Newspapers.
He understands that “news” has to be a win-win. Stories must be useful and interesting to an editor’s primary audience. Free exposure is only available to those who recognize news angles, package news in a digestible form, and take care of all the details of story placement – from arranging interviews to providing appropriate visuals.
Steve is the founding president of the South Shore Ad Club and founding director of The Leads Network, a business-to-business lead generation group. He is an active member of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce’s communications committee, as well as the Massachusetts Extended Care Federation’s communication committee. He is on the steering committee of the Elderpreneur of the Year Program, which recognizes the innovations of age 55+ people and on the Board of Directors of the University of Massachusetts/Boston School of Nursing Friends.
He has presented seminars on various marketing topics for the Small Business Development Center, University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth; Metro South Chamber of Commerce; New England Healthcare Assembly; and South Shore Women’s Business Network.
He resides in Plymouth, MA with his wife Wendy and children Abraham, Isaac, and Hannah.
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