Be heard. Speaking engagement and opportunity.
You probably have a very good grasp of your topic. You just know that speaking locally or on a bigger stage would generate new clients, expert positioning, more referrals, better personal and company branding and differentiate you from the pack.
From the local accountant to the national business coach, speaking engagements are a powerful way of moving prospects to clients.
What is holding you back?
You are not sure of who to reach out to. How to reach out. How to package the message. How to manage the arrangement details.
Perhaps we can help.
PR Works collaborates with you to:
- Identify your best targeted
- Build a database of prospects
- Outline local or national speaking opportunities
- Submit your credentials to national speaking portals and references
- Develop a host of speaking topics
- Create a Speaking Kit
- Prepare a presentation
- Reach out to potential speaking sources
- Coordinate the details of the speaking engagement
Training you to Speak and Developing the Presentation
The “World Class Speaker” package combines the preparation and outreach that clients have come to expect from PR Works with the speaking techniques of a certified World Class Speaking Coach.
- You establish yourself as a leader in your industry, regardless of work experience or job title.
- We present your knowledge in the form of stories, to give your audience a message they can carry.
- We place the focus on your audience and make them the ambassadors to your product, your company, and your brand.
- We arrange your material into modules that can be adapted depending on the audience, time available, and the type of venue.
- We perfect your delivery by removing vague language and adding words that have impact.
With your world class material in hand, we build a database of prospects to get you on the best stages with the most reach. We draft your speaker’s kit for promotion, and we arrange your speaking engagements for you.
Bio of World Class Speaking Coach
Mike McQuillan created FIT Presenter as a public speaking resource for fitness professionals. He coaches professionals in all industries to stand out as a leader, regardless of tenure or job title. He turns your audience into ambassadors for your company, your product, and your brand using his signature FIT system. Mike draws his expertise from his professional background as a fitness trainer and instructor, his academic credentials as a guidance counselor and foreign language teacher, his military experience as a Marine Corps combat correspondent, and his advanced certification as a Certified World Class Speaking Coach to provide clients with the total package in public speaking. Clients finish the FIT Presenter speaking program with 45 minutes worth of curated, keynote-quality material that can be adapted, depending on the time available, type of venue, and the needs of the audience.
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