PR Works has arranged numerous grand openings and can help your new or renovated location become the center of attention.
Champagne Reception
This by-invitation-only party can be the special sneak preview grand opening introduction for family, friends, key referral sources, local officials, etc. This is a “feel good” event that acknowledges the importance of those who have been invited. Champagne, hors d’ouevres and a jazz trio are the perfect combination.
Consumer Grand Opening
This event is intended to trumpet the new location. This is your chance to grab some news coverage as a new resource for the community.
Exterior Signage
In addition to traditional advertising, sandwich boards and banners should herald the event. One month prior to the selected date a news release will be issued to outline the hoopla and entice the public to join in.
Additional Exterior Visibility
A costumed character (from superheroes to kids cartoon favorites) should be employed the day of the event. The waving character should bring additional attention to the new location.
Ribbon Cutting
Personal invitations should be issued to both public officials and business leaders. Public officials will include mayor, city councilors, planning board, zoning board, state representative, state senator, U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator, etc. Business leaders include the executive director of the local chamber of commerce or business association as well as abutting business neighbors. In addition to issuing a personal invitation, all potential guests should be followed up by telephone. Arrangements should be made for several key participants to say a few words welcoming the new franchise to the area.
The ribbon cutting allows for valuable networking as well as a photo opportunity. Local papers may assign a photographer to the ribbon-cutting. Additionally, a professional may be hired to provide coverage. The ribbon cutting photo and story are a second PR exposure for the grand opening.
News Releases
Grand openings provide two news opportunities. First, we can invite the public to this event. Second, we can summarize the success of the event and photos from it.
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