The South Shore Ad Club is sponsoring another “Meet the Marketing Director” networking event at the Hingham Beer Works, 18 Shipyard Drive Hingham Shipyard on Wednesday, September 25. The event kicks off at 5:30 p.m. and will include a short presentation from the micro brewery and restaurant outlining their marketing program
The entire business community is invited to attend and enjoy hand crafted beer and networking. Cost is $20 for South Shore Ad Club and participating networking groups, business associations and Chamber of Commerce members. Non-member cost is $25. Complimentary refreshments and beverages will be available.
About The South Shore Ad Club
The South Shore Ad Club is a non-profit organization committed to the personal and professional development of communications professionals located south of Boston. It’s the club’s mission to improve, strengthen and advance career goals through learning and networking opportunities; and to serve as a resource for local and Boston-area businesses requiring marketing, advertising, public relations and/or communications services.
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“Meet the Marketing Director” at Hingham Beer Works at the Hingham ShipyardRead More
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