FocalPoint Coaching’s Greg DeSimone has been added as the featured speaker at My Pinnacle Network’s “Speed Networking” event Tuesday, February 25, 5:30 p.m. at The Comfort Inn, 1374 North Main Street (Route 28), Randolph, MA 02368. DeSimone will be speaking on networking techniques and fine-tuning your elevator pitch.
“While there may be born networkers, it is a skill you can learn. In addition to his success as a business coach for small and family-owned businesses, Greg is a connector and can provide Speed Networking attendees some invaluable networking tips they can employ that night and in their future networking efforts,” said Steve Dubin, founder of My Pinnacle Network.
A former CPA with more than 18 years of financial and management experience, DeSimone is a Brian Tracey certified business coach with more than 250 hours of study to obtain certification. DeSimone takes a personal and proactive coaching model to work with clients on improving their business in the areas of time, team, money and exit strategies.
In addition to hearing DeSimone, Speed Networking attendees will have the opportunity to meet at least 25 business owners and executives via one minute introductions and then head to the reception area and bar to pursue lengthier conversations with those who you share common ground.
Admission is $19.95. First come, first served; 50 people maximum. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and cash bar.
To attend the Speed Networking event, please formally RSVP at https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e8ufyzim04e996ba&oseq=&c=&ch= or contact Steven V. Dubin at SDubin@MyPinnacleNetwork.com or 781-582-1061.
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