The new year offers a new opportunity. A clean sweep.
What are your plans for improving revenue, visibility and credibility for 2022? PR and marketing are an on-going process. Not a singular scream into space.
Here is worksheet to get things moving in the right direction –
Awards – What awards would you like to win? How do you nominate yourself? Or have someone nominate you? _______________________________________
Blogs – How often do you want to create a new blog?___________________What are the topics of interest to our clients/customers?___________________In addition to the newsroom on our website, where do you want to post this content?___________
Book (E-book) – An E-book, short and concise, is a great lead magnet. What existing content can you repurpose to create an E-book? ____________________What page on your website can you “lock” the E-book to entice visitors to request it, provide nominal contact information (name, email address) and generate a “lead”? ____________
Bylined features/Side Bar stories – What topics will attract press coverage? How to, trends, human interest, case study?______________________________
Divisions/Niches news release announcements can generate niche press coverage. Example – Announcing a Non-profit Division touting expanded non-profit services and a non-profit rate can generate ink in non-profit trade publications. What are the niches that work for you? _____________________________________________________________
E-Newsletter – Right. Not everyone reads every E-Newsletter that hits their email inbox. But enough read the subject line to keep you top-of-mind and generate opportunities. Given our limited attention span, single story E-newsletters work best. What 3 topics can you cover in the next 3 months? ___________________What E-Newsletter platform will you use (Constant Contact, MailChimp or other)?
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter – These are the Big 3 of social media. To remain in the conversation, what is the best frequency of your postings? ______________In planning the first month, what topics can you explore? _________________
Friend program – Your next customer will likely look like and be referred to by your existing customer. How can you formalize a program to remind and incentivize your customers?
Example – The Friend program should be mentioned in your email signature, E-Newsletter and website. Each referral should be rewarded with something fun and valuable – from a Starbuck’s gift card to a tin of artisan cookies. What can your Friend program look like and include? ________
LinkedIn – Your Personal ProfileYour personal profile is often the key research source destination prior to a new business call. How can you improve your profile?_______________________
LinkedIn – Groups LinkedIn groups give you access to large and targeted groups. You can start, join and follow relevant subjects that put you into the center of your best prospects. What groups should you join? __________________________What topics are of interest to this group?_________________
Milestones – News What upcoming milestones can generate coverage for you?Years in biz, # clients, $s generated, awards?List a few. _________________________________________
Personnel – News Personnel news demonstrates growth, success. What is newsworthy about your key staff? Promotions, additional education/training, major new hires? ____________________
Photography Do you have professional photography and video clips ready to go? Do you need portraits of key personnel, exterior and interior photos of your offices, product photos? What needs coverage? _____________________________________
Podcasting – Hosting As you know, podcasting, essentially “on demand” radio, is among the fastest growing mediums. And for a good reason. Enhance visibility, credibility and likeability. Take the roll of opinion leader and helpful neighbor.
Who can host your podcast? _________________________________________What is the theme of your podcast? ____________________________________Possible guests?_____________________________________________________Graphic icon for podcast portals? ______________________________________Equipment needed? _________________________________________________
Podcasting – Guesting Guesting is a great way to dip your toe into podcasting. Take advantage of someone else’s audience and promotion. There are podcasts on every subject and for every market segment.
What show would you like to guest on? _____________________________What topics can you expand upon? _________________________________Who will do the outreach? ________________________________________ Season news –How does your company tie into seasonality, holidays, weather? Tax tips for the beginning of tax season? Health tips for the beginning of spring? What is relevant for your business?_________________________________________ Social proof.
Establishing authority –What subject(s) are you an expert on? What topics should reporters/editors/producers turn to you about? _____________.What media outlets do you want to target? ____________________.
Website – Is your website up to date? Is it easy to navigate? Does it quickly deliver answers? Do you have ways to entice lead harvesting (Opt in for an E-newsletter, E-book, Complimentary audit?)__________________________________________
Need help? Contact us for a conversation to point you in the right direction.
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