When it comes to finding a new job after 50, times have changed. Stellar credentials and years of experience get you so far in the job market. Competition with younger counterparts is tough and it takes more than great networking to land a job.
Many older job seekers are looking to “level the playing field” with their younger competitors and one of the ways they are doing so is by re-inventing themselves.
South Shore Skin Center of Plymouth and Cohasset collaborated with the Center for Progressive Dentistry of Duxbury; Eclipxe Hair Salon of Norwell, Holly Kouvo of Fitting Fitness In of Stow, MA and Coach DQ, Dawn Quesnel, a career life coach and host of Career Life Balance Radio, and held a Makeover Contest for women and men over 50 who had been downsized.
Carol Hedman, 63, of Cohasset has been selected as the winner of the Makeover Contest. Ms. Hedman had been working for a medical provider and held a second job with a dental provider and was downsized from both South Shore companies. After looking for work for several months, she thought she was about to receive a job offer from a Boston firm. Unfortunately, another applicant, who is 30 years her junior, got the job. Ms. Hedman then decided to enter the contest.
As the contest winner, Ms. Hedman will receive:
· A Cosmetic Dermatology Treatment
· Teeth Whitening
· New Haircut/Style
· A Fitness Consultation
· Career and Life Coaching Services
According to Ms. Hedman, “Feeling good about your appearance makes you confident and that’s important. I’m very excited about my makeover. I’m setting the foundation of what’s ahead…This next chapter and what’s to come.”
The Makeover Contest was held based on the success of a previous makeover on Scituate resident Dave Flanagan, 54. Mr. Flanagan underwent a full makeover which included Botox Cosmetic treatments to smooth forehead wrinkles and Sculptra for the deep lines around his mouth. He had his teeth whitened and an updated haircut. He also met with a Fitness Trainer who educated him about how fitness and nutrition would keep him at the top of his game, and a Career Life Coach to help him obtain his goals. The makeover worked and shortly after, Dave was happy to report he was back at work.
Dave’s success inspired South Shore Skin Center to hold a Makeover Contest to help other seniors who may have been faced with “ageism” in the job market.
South Shore Skin Center
Celebrating their 25th year, South Shore Skin Center is one of Massachusetts’ most progressive dermatology practices offering a wide range of medical, surgical and cosmetic services.
South Shore Skin Center’s cosmetic services include Fraxel re:pair and re:store; Gentle YAG, innovative Laser, IPL (Intensive Pulse Light), Thermage and treatments for age spots, acne scarring, birth marks, tattoos and more. The practice also offers a full range of affordable anti-aging services including Botox, Radiesse, Sculptra and other wrinkle fillers, Microdermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels. Anti-Aging and Cosmetic treatments are both safer and more effective when administered at a physician’s office such as South Shore Skin Center and Medical Spa.
South Shore Skin Center offices are located at 223 Chief Justice Cushing Highway, Suite 202 in Cohasset, Mass. (781) 383-3340, and 45 Resnik Road, Suite 102 in Plymouth, Mass., (508) 747-0711. Their brand new Medical Spa will soon be open and is located at Scobee Circle, across from Colony Place in Plymouth. For more information, visit the website at www.southshoreskincenter.com.
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