On June 12, 2010, DirectBuy of Waterloo hosted its third annual Spring Fling, an event where members and vendors gather in the club for a day filled with a silent auction, delicious food, fun games, and creative decorations. All the proceeds are then donated to a charity of the club’s choosing. This year’s Fling raised $2,000 for a local children’s charity, KidsAbility.
KidsAbility is an organization that serves children with a wide range of special needs, including developmental disabilities and delays related to premature birth; medical syndromes such as Down Syndrome, coordination disorders, and Autism; physical disabilities such as Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifida, and Cerebral Palsy; and communication difficulties in language, articulation, fluency, and voice.
“With KidsAbility being located just five short minutes from the club, it felt like the perfect charity to make the center of Spring Fling,” said Pam Budd, owner of DirectBuy of Waterloo.
The Spring Fling featured a carnival theme, with red, blue, and yellow balloons throughout the club. A pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game, a bean bag toss, and a cotton candy machine, as well as a full barbecue, added to the carnival theme.
Despite early morning thunderclouds, the Spring Fling drew a large crowd. Members spent time speaking with different manufacturers about products and services and bid on gift certificates and other items in the silent auction. “The auction was a flurry of bids and glances as members tried to outbid each other,” said Heather MacDonald, DirectBuy catalogue specialist. “At the end of the day, I literally had to fight my way through the crowd to close the auction.”
When all was said and done, the Spring Fling raised $2,000 for KidsAbility.
Since opening in 1998, DirectBuy of Waterloo has helped consumers enjoy enormous savings on home furnishings, home improvement items, entertainment and outdoor products, flooring, and accessories by providing an avenue to purchase directly from manufacturers or their authorized suppliers. Conveniently located at 755 Bridge Street West, Suite 14 in Waterloo, DirectBuy Club offers consumers a comfortable setting where members finally have the financial control of buying direct.
About DirectBuy Club
Consumers interested in joining DirectBuy are encouraged to attend an exclusive Open House event, which is designed to educate families about DirectBuy’s business model and the benefits of buying direct. The Open House also helps consumers better understand how DirectBuy members avoid traditional retail markup when purchasing brand-name merchandise.
Since 1971, DirectBuy Club has been showing hundreds of thousands of consumers unparalleled ways to save as they shop for virtually everything for in and around their homes – from furnishings, home improvement and flooring, to entertainment and outdoor products, accessories, and much, much more. With more than 150 locations in North America, DirectBuy offers its members access to more than 500 brand-name manufacturers or their authorized suppliers in Canada, and more than 700 in the United States.
For more information on a DirectBuy Club membership, visit http://www.directbuycares.com.
Consumers interested in seeing DirectBuy Club’s savings, service, and selection up close may obtain a Visitor’s Pass to attend an Open House by visiting directbuy.com or directbuycares.com.
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