What is your New Year’s business resolution? Are you thinking about and doing the right things to make your business the most successful it can be?
A complimentary workshop entitled “Think, act and grow rich. Entrepreneur hacks” is set for Thursday, January 16, 2020 from 6:00-7:30PM at the Mansfield Bio Incubator, 241 Francis Avenue, Mansfield, MA.
The workshop will explore four strategies for thinking critically about your business to help it to grow and thrive.
• What is your next best move? Where is your business on the business life cycle and what are the implications for its future success?
• Are you focused? How do you keep your focus on your vision, goals, projects and actions?
• Are your employees your biggest asset? Do your employees embrace change? If not, what is causing their reluctance and how can you change it?
• What makes your business different? Knowing what makes you different and finding ways to exploit the differences can dramatically improve performance.
The workshop will be led by Dominic Grew and Lisa Levesque who are certified business coaches and trainers with FocalPoint International Coaching & training.
Grew has more than 25 years of proven business development experience, building, growing and leading change, primarily in financial service companies. Dominic earned a Masters in Management from Cambridge College. Dominic is originally from Belfast , Northern Ireland, but today calls Sharon, MA home, where he lives with his wife and three children.
Levesque is a leader in business productivity and has helped Fortune 500 companies reduce costs while increasing revenue and gaining market share. Lisa is a graduate of Boston College, with a degree in Accounting and earned an MBA from Babson College. She resides in Foxboro, MA with her husband, two daughters and two dogs.
Please RSVP for the event at EventBrite at https://bit.ly/33RRacF. For more info, contact Steven V. Dubin at SDubin@MyPinnacleNetwork.com or 781-582-1061.
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