Area entrepreneur, Mike Chenail has changed the name of his colorful, hand drawn area depiction from “Resort Maps of Lancaster County” to “Discovery Map of Lancaster”. The name change was in synch with his franchisor’s purchase of Discovery Map®.
“Our franchisor is always looking to keep us on the cutting edge. The purchase of Discovery Map® not only adds 30 maps to our family, it capitalizes on their advanced position in internet marketing. We increased the printing of our free area map from 300,000 paper maps to 333,333 this year and expanded the size from 82 potential advertisers to our current 126, but we realize we must be in the forefront of the electronic arena as well.” said Chenail.
Since last year advertisers have been found on the company’s free iPhone and iPad app. Starting next week advertisers and non advertisers alike are invited to share in Discovery Map® technology and install a free app called “MapApp™” to their Facebook page and website. This tool replaces the current map link powered by international conglomerates Google and Mapquest with a more relevant Lancasterhand illustrated map, thereby raising their standing in web search results of keywords like, “Where to stay, eat, shop, things to do in Lancaster, PA.” Contact Mike for easy installation instructions.
The company has forged partnerships to bring business back to the area. Chenail was very pleased with the product he received from Intelligencer Printing and that relationship has led to their printing of about 15 other maps this year. Local craftsmen at George’s Furniture of Marrietta and Lapp’s Toys and Furniture in Ronks have sold hundreds of wooden map display cases to him and other franchisees according to Chenail. “I’m like most people, when I find a great product I tell others. That common human trait is what allowed us to increase ads by 25% this year. I’m very pleased at how we were received and look forward to promoting more of the great things our area offers.”
Chenail can be reached at
Area Guide Map Marks Second Year with Expansion and Name Change.Read More
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