The Old Sandwich Road Race (OSRR), part of which takes place on America’s oldest road—Old Sandwich Road in Plymouth—recently announced that scouts from the Boy Scouts of America’s Old Colony Council will be manning the water stations for the half marathon and Entergy 10k on Sunday, June 5.
“We are thrilled to have the Boy Scouts of America on board with the rest of our dedicated volunteers,” said Craig Valentine Brenner, OSRR race director. “It was quite muggy for the first Old Sandwich Road Race. Since we expect to double the 500-plus runners who participated last year, we made a conscious decision for this year’s race to add several more water stations. Having this kind of manpower available to operate these stations properly will improve the experience and, probably, times for our runners.”
Scouts from the Cranberry Harbor district of the Old Colony Council BSA will work the water stations for the Old Sandwich Road Race’s Sunday events. Scout participation in the Old Sandwich Road Race, which donates its proceeds to the Home for Little Wanderers’ Baird Center School in Plymouth, counts towards the scout’s community service requirement for several badges.
“The Boy Scouts are glad to be a part of this effort for a number of reasons, first and foremost the cause, The Baird Center School, an organization that the BSA has been involved with over the years,” said Barry Wood, the Cranberry Harbor’s district commissioner. “The Boy Scouts get asked to volunteer for a number of community endeavors. The Old Sandwich Road Race is desirable because of the cause, the history of the area but most importantly because it’s an activity that brings people from the community together.”
The 2011 Old Sandwich Road Race will take place over the course of two days, Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5. The Saturday race will feature the Kids Classic and a new addition to the Old Sandwich Road Race, the OSRR 5k. Sunday’s main events include the OSRR Half Marathon, which takes place on Old Sandwich Road, and the Entergy 10k, beginning at Plimouth Plantation. All races end at Plymouth South High School.
Volunteers are still needed for race planning, fundraising and race weekend activities ranging from registration, water stations, security and more. If interested, send an e-mail to with “Volunteer” in the subject line or visit and click on the volunteers link.
“Volunteers are really the backbone of any race of this nature,” said Brenner. “Based on the initial registrations, the Old Sandwich Road Race is really on the verge of becoming a destination race. If you’re a runner, or used to be a runner, or just somebody who wants to help out a race that’s trying to raise money for a worthy cause, you couldn’t ask for a better race to be a part of.”
Originally a trail used by the Wampanoag Native American tribe, Old Sandwich Road later became the nation’s first true public road and a stagecoach route to ferry passengers and mail back and forth between the Massachusetts towns of Plymouth and Sandwich. Today, the road remains pretty much as the Pilgrims left it–a wide, scenic, dirt road bordered by beautiful tall pine trees and towering oaks.
For complete information on the Old Sandwich Road Race, you can visit the Old Sandwich Road Race Web site at Selected by Runner’s World, as “one of the five races not to miss in 2010”, The Old Sandwich Road Race also has pages on Facebook and Twitter. If you or your company is interested in sponsoring next year’s race, please contact Craig Valentine Brenner at 617-680-4230 or
Local Boy Scouts District volunteers to man water stations at 2011 Old Sandwich Road Race.Read More
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