Scandex, LLC, one of the largest providers of Swedish ergonomic chairs and saddle stools in the U.S. and Canada, has recently announced the latest in ergonomic seating that is specifically suited to men, the Series 600 Björn Swedish Ergonomic Saddle Stool.
Designed to help minimize lower back problems and reduce the potential for musculoskeletal disorders, the Series 600 Björn Swedish Ergonomic Saddle Stool has been adapted specifically for the male user to remove pressure on the prostate.
There many health benefits that result from sitting and working with the proper posture, and essentially holding the spine in its natural S-curve. Sitting on the Björn Swedish Ergonomic Saddle Stool with the angle between the torso and the legs (thigh portion) at 135 degrees (a 45-degree angle to the floor) automatically positions the body in a posture-perfect manner, even without a back support. The benefits for men of using the Series 600 Björn Swedish Ergonomic Saddle Stool over a regular chair or stool include:
Reduced tension and pain in the back, neck and shoulders,due to sitting with the spine in its natural neutral S-curve.
Better circulation to legs and feet
No pressure on the prostate
Improvement in respiration as the seated posture on a Björn Swedish Ergonomic Saddle Stool allows for deeper, easier breathing.
“Good posture relieves tension in the back, shoulders, neck – really the whole body overall – which in turn aids breathing, digestion and circulation,” explained Sven Emilsson, Director of Sales at Scandex. He continued, “In the way that men’s and women’s bicycle seats differ, the new version of our equestrian style saddle stool is designed with men’s comfort and health in mind.”
“Build Your Own Chair” at Scandex
Scandex recently launched the second generation of their website, which provides a comprehensive Selection Guide with guidelines for utilization of Scandex’s Swedish ergonomic chairs and stools in various settings. Individual sections on the website for types of arm supports, upholstery, cleaning and care allow consumers to “build” their own chair to preference.
Scandex – A Uniquely Different Way of Sitting
Scandex, LLC is one of the nation’s largest providers of Swedish ergonomic chairs and stools. Renowned for their Bruno Swedish Ergonomic Office Chair and Björn Swedish Ergonomic Saddle Stool, the company provides equestrian style seating that is designed to eliminate positions of poor posture. For more than a decade, Scandex has been improving the seated posture of dentists, assistants, hygienists, doctors, podiatrists, veterinary professionals, business professionals, seniors and others.
Scandex is headquartered in Newton, MA. For more information, contact 1-888-245-1367 or visit their website at
Scandex Announces New Generation of Ergonomic Seating Specifically for MenRead More
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