In the past, filing bankruptcy carried a social stigma that probably kept many people from seeking out this alternative. While the perception of filing bankruptcy may have changed, many struggling households do not seek out this option simply out of not knowing what it entails. With that in mind, McNamara & Yates, a Sandwich, MA-based law firm, has established a bankruptcy division to better serve people who can benefit from the new beginning filing for bankruptcy can provide.
The new division, under the leadership of Attorney Timothy McNamara, will specialize in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings. Like most bankruptcy offices the division will also provide credit counseling and other resources needed for individuals to complete his/her bankruptcy filing. What will set this bankruptcy practice apart from others, however, is an incorporation of new technology for faster case review times.
“Many law practices in our area seem to take a ‘call us when you need us’ approach towards prospective clients.” said McNamara. “With the introduction of our new online case review service at, we’re telling people that we want them to check in with us as early as possible. That’s why we offer a free consultation for all first-time clients.”
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing is something most people are familiar with. It involves a liquidation of all assets. What some people still do not know is that even though you liquidate your assets there are some exemptions that can enable filers to keep certain items and possessions.
A Chapter 13 filing is a debtor reorganization that individuals use to try and restructure their debt(s) and then pay those off. A typical Chapter 13 filing can mean repayment of your debts over a three- to five-year time period.
According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, there were approximately 3734 Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings in Massachusetts through May 2015. The total for all of 2014 was 10,033.
“Every filing is different. Sometimes both Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 are options. In other cases, there is only one option,” said McNamara. “Our firm has the experience and expertise to review a debtor’s financial situation and determine the best strategy for the debtor, as well as whether or not more than one strategy is available.”
For a free bankruptcy case review, you visit McNamara & Yates’ website at or call 508-888-8100. Payment plans are available.
For more information on the firm, visit
About McNamara & Yates
Founded in 2012, McNamara & Yates, P.C. is a full-service law firm specializing in bankruptcy, business law, estate planning, guardianship, Medicaid planning and probate law. Based on Cape Cod at 128 Route 6A in Sandwich, Massachusetts, McNamara & Yates is committed to providing clients throughout the Cape and Islands and South Shore with personal attention and superior legal service at reasonable rates. For more information, contact (508) 888-8100 or visit their website at
Sandwich, MA-based McNamara & Yates offers debt relief with new bankruptcy divisionRead More
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