Sure, practice makes perfect. For some occupations—for example, fire departments—that’s easier said than done as it can be difficult to simulate real life conditions. A recent exception to that is the Norfolk Fire Department, which recently received a “donation” of two homes for use for practice drills and demolition.
The two homes, 106 and 108 Main Street in Norfolk, were donated by Powerhead LLC, a developer based in South Easton, MA. The two homes were due to be demolished as part of the proposed Boyde’s Crossing project, a Powerhead development to be managed by Stonebridge Homes, Inc. Instead, Powerhead donated the houses to the Norfolk Fire Department for drilling purposes.
The structure at 106 Main Street has been used by the department since June. Some of the training evolutions included search and rescue, ground ladder work and simulated fire attack. The structure at 108 Main Street was used for “live fire” training, where the Norfolk Fire Department prepared the building for eight fire scenarios. Nearly all career and call staffs participated along with staffs from Foxboro and Plainville fire departments.
“Live fire training is the most beneficial given the need for skill retention–developing skill and confidence working under conditions encountered at actual fires,” Norfolk Fire Chief Coleman Bushnell. “We would like to thank Powerhead LLC for donating the two homes, especially since both are so close to headquarters.”
Said Eoghan Kelley, manager for Powerhead LLC, “Boyde’s Crossing will be a sustainable, pocket neighborhood community. For those who don’t know, pocket neighborhoods place a premium on community. That means lots of green, communal space, with homes in close proximity to your neighbors. We thought putting the demolition of these two homes for the good of the community fit right in with the spirit of the pocket neighborhood philosophy.”
According to Pocket-Neighborhoods.net, Pocket neighborhoods are clustered groups of neighboring houses or apartments around a shared open space—a garden courtyard, a pedestrian street, a series of joined yards or a reclaimed alley.” In addition to homes being closer together, ideas being discussed for the Boyde’s Crossing pocket neighborhood includes: homes with porches facing a common green area; walking trails; common garages with solar power; publicly shared bicycles; energy efficient homes; and more.
Plans for Boyde’s Crossing are still in the proposal stage. For more information about pocket neighborhoods, you can visit www.pocket-neighborhood.net.
About Stonebridge Homes, Inc.:
For more than 25 years, Stonebridge Homes and its team, based in South Easton, Massachusetts, have built and managed the construction of many residential communities throughout Massachusetts, including Tanglewood Estates in Easton, Mass; Stoney Ridge Estates in Dighton, Mass (www.stoneyridgedighton.com); The Pines in Dighton, Mass (www.thepinesdighton.com); and Maplewood Estates (www.newhomesatmaplewood.com) in Rockland, Mass. More recently, Stonebridge Homes has been focusing on building and managing construction in towns of southeastern Massachusetts, including Dighton, Easton, Foxboro, Lakeville, Norfolk, Norwell, Norton, Pembroke, Rockland and Westport. The styles of these communities have varied from imaginative condominiums to custom single‐family homes designed by its award‐winning architects whose specialty is customizing dream homes that provide space and luxury to households of all sizes. Each development is built with the same commitment for quality and satisfaction.
For more information, please visit www.stonebridgehomesinc.com or call 508.230.2300.
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