I didn’t know what 😉 (frown, sad) meant. Nor did I understand a 😎 (smiley with glasses) reference.
As a communicator, I need to know.
And I wasn’t always clear on a bunch of abbreviations. AFAIK (as far as I know) or F2F (face to face). Sure, I’ve been using NFI (no friggin’ idea) for quite some time.
Language and its related symbols are meant to include and sometimes exclude people. As a marketer I am often targeting niche groups and specifically using their language and jargon. Careful, you don’t want to make prospects :-II (angry).
IAC (in any case), I’ve brushed up on acronyms and emoticons. I’ve even brushed up on my diamond codes <jk> (just kidding).
For a full outline of abbreviations, emoticons and diamond codes – here is a terrific source.
IMHO (in my humble opinion) enjoy!
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