Robert Burris, a four year Navy veteran, has launched his new business venture, YELLOW DAWG STRIPING of North Florida. Burris joins the YELLOW DAWG STRIPING franchise team of pavement marking specialists stretching from Maine to New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and, now, Florida. Burris’ new venture will service parking lots in the Jacksonville metro area including Duval, Nassau, Clay, Baker and St. Johns counties.
For Burris, who also happens to be a former professional athlete and four year veteran of local law enforcement, the decision to purchase a YELLOW DAWG franchise was direct and timely. “I had been working with a business coach for several months looking for the right opportunity to build a business of my own and, after going through the process to match my skills with various opportunities, it was obvious to me YELLOW DAWG was the hands-down winner.”
Robert continued, “This is a low cost franchise with low overhead. It allows me to start a business where there is real demand for my services; every parking lot in my territory needs striping or restriping. But, what really struck me about YELLOW DAWG was the thoroughness of the operation, how it is truly customer-oriented and not just engaged in lip service to that idea. As a veteran and police officer, I understand and believe in service. YELLOW DAWG does, too.”
The path to owning a line striping franchise goes further back than Burris’ recent business search. At a recent meeting, Burris recalled his days in professional baseball as a pitcher with the Oakland Athletics organization. “Oh, yeah, we always loved watching the groundskeepers do their job. So much goes into it. Back in college ball we were responsible for doing all the grounds keeping ourselves. It always made me smile to be one of the few guys who could run those foul lines straight for 300 feet. Now instead of chalk, I get to paint it on,” he laughed.
One of the lessons of his baseball days has stayed with Burris and is part of his plans for YELLOW DAWG of North Florida. “In sports, in any endeavor really, there are plateaus that need an extra push to break through. One of my coaches would always say to us, ‘It’s only money.’ Meaning, if we didn’t work harder, work smarter and commit to our work, then someone else was going to reach the next level. As a new business owner, that sticks with me. I’m here to work hard and deliver the best possible products and service in the market.”
Burris’ veteran status was important to Jack Child, founder of BLACK DAWG FRANCHISE GROUP, parent company of YELLOW DAWG. Child, also a military veteran, had this to say “Bob joining our team is a big plus for us. We really like recruiting veterans as they have been trained to show up on time, wear the uniform properly and follow a prescribed system in order to get the mission accomplished – all the necessary skills we need to satisfy our customers.”
As a member of the VetFran Organization, dedicated to assisting military veterans find a path to business ownership, YELLOW DAWG granted Burris a 30% discount off his Initial Franchise Fee as a way of saying “Thanks” for his military service.
YELLOW DAWG STRIPING is one of three affiliate brands operated by BLACK DAWG FRANCHISE GROUP. They also offer franchises for BLACK DAWG SEALCOAT, an asphalt maintenance business, and BLUE DAWG POWER WASH, a residential and commercial pressure washing business. BLACK DAWG SEALCOAT now has 11 franchises in seven states. YELLOW DAWG STRIPING has five locations serving six states and BLUE DAWG POWER WASH has three locations serving Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. For more information about their three franchise opportunities, please visit BlackDawgFranchise.com. To learn more about YELLOW DAWG STRIPING of North Florida, visit YellowDawgStriping.com. Or call 1-800-998-DAWG (3294).
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