Popcorn and playing hooky on a Friday afternoon can only lead to great things.
Charter schools, private/independent schools and their strategic partners came together for a private screening of “Waiting for Superman” a timely, documentary film that analyzes the challenges facing public education.
But perhaps we should take a step back and start with the “previews”.
HR Knowledge – providing benefits, compliance consulting and payroll services – has a special niche in helping charter schools and private/independent schools. They were looking for a way to put themselves in the center of that tightly woven community.
Thus, PR Works recommended connecting all parties to the “Waiting for Superman” event.
The guest list expanded to over 75. In addition to a complimentary film, attendees also received a buffet lunch, open access to the concession stand and movie themed goody bags to go (which included treats and two tickets to a future film). As the film gets pressed to DVD, every charter school in Massachusetts will receive a copy courtesy of HR Knowledge.
The event was supported by an e-vite, post card mailer, news release and follow up phone calls to personal contacts. Great conversations and reconnections abounded.
HR Knowledge steps into the spotlight!
Great events are NOT an accident. The contributions of everyone involved made it a memorable success. Other sponsors who should take a bow are Guardian, Hannify & King, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Lincoln Investment.
At PR Works we delight in clients who are willing to take a risk and fully support a campaign. HR Knowledge is fully invested. And the Oscar goes to…
Great effort. Great results.
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