The award-winning Talking Information Center (TIC), a non-profit reading service broadcasting 24-hours a day to thousands of visually impaired and otherwise print impaired listeners throughout the state, recognized 37 volunteers at their Annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast and awards ceremony held last month.
TIC honored their Marshfield studio volunteers at a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast held at the Village at Proprietors Green Assisted Living Facility in Marshfield, MA. Senator Patrick O’Connor and State Representative James Cantwell were in attendance.
The prestigious President’s Volunteer Service Award was presented to nine volunteers with 100 hours or more of service in one calendar year: Patricia Smudin of Bridgewater; Maureen Murphy of Cambridge; Joanne Salines of Hanover; William Zirpolo, Steven Virta, Norman Blair, Joan Dowd, Eric Joseph and Maryellen Mastriani of Marshfield.
Award pins were presented to volunteers with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service.
Ann Collins of Duxbury; Melissa Bristol and Matthew Donohue of Kingston; James Curran, Angeline Graham, Doug Haskell of Marshfield; Susan Allison of Stoughton; Melanie Donovan of Weymouth were recognized for five years of service.
Lisa Reddie of Cohasset; Lynne Walsh of Duxbury; Carol Friedman of Hingham; Maryanna Abren and Ann Cavanaugh of Middleboro were recognized for 10 years of service.
Patricia Smudin of Bridgewater, Tim Horan of Marshfield and Joseph Best of Randolph were recognized for 15 years of service.
Rosemary Dobie of Humarock; John Daley, Marylou McLean, Joan Shea, Eugene Spriggs of Marshfield and Tom McBride of Newton were recognized for 20 years of service.
Those honored for 25 years of service include Maureen Murphy of Cambridge; Susan Johnson of Duxbury; Michelle Bubbins of Plymouth and Jeremy Slack of Weymouth.
Deb Gustafson of Plymouth was awarded for 30 years of service, and Renee Donohue of Kingston for 35 years of service.
TIC presented the first annual “Volunteer of the Year” award to Eric Joseph, for his innovative involvement and contributions to TIC, including going above and beyond in the creation of the TIC Radio and Podcast Players as well as his dedicated commitment to monthly Radio and Podcast Players productions and reading the Wall Street Journal.
Following the volunteer awards presentation, TIC recognized Representative Cantwell (prior to leaving his post) as a longtime TIC Supporter and Advocate.
“We’re very grateful to have so many dedicated volunteers,” said Jim Bunnell, TIC’s Executive Director. “Supporting TIC through volunteering supports more than 30,000 listeners who are striving for their independence along with a thirst for knowledge and connection to current events that otherwise would not be available.”
Operating with the help of more than 600 volunteers statewide, TIC broadcasts newspapers, magazines, books, special consumer information, medical and stock market updates, jobs, sports, supermarket specials, voting guides, community newspapers, and television programs. TIC also offers cultural programming such as old-time radio drama, theater, and poetry as well as special programming geared toward military veterans and their families.
Celebrating 40 Years
In 2018, TIC celebrates 40 years of delivering accessible information to those who need it. TIC is a proud member of the International Association of Audible Information Services (IAAIS), and is the hub of the Massachusetts Reading Network, broadcasting to all of Massachusetts as well as southern New Hampshire and Connecticut.
TIC programming may be accessed several ways: via live audio stream at http://www.ticnetwork.org; by utilizing a specially tuned radio receiver; through AudioNow by calling 712-832-7025 from a home or cell phone; or by smartphone app. Listeners with smartphones may download the free TIC app by typing “Talking Information Center” in Apple or in the Google Play store for Android devices.
In 1977, Ed Perry, the founder of radio station WATD-FM in Marshfield, MA, donated his Subsidiary Carrier Authorization signal for use as the first radio reading service in New England. Operating similarly to other broadcast networks, TIC has affiliates throughout the state of Massachusetts that provide inserts of local news and information that is of interest to listeners in their area. The Executive Office of Elder Affairs oversees TIC, which is located at 130 Enterprise Drive, Marshfield, MA 02050. For more information visit www.ticnetwork.org or call (781) 834-4400.
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