While the summer officially begins on June 21, most of us have gladly sprung into summer mode. For some of you that means compiling a list of those books you’ve been wanting to read for your trips to the beach and on vacation. Much like the hungry child at the candy store, how much we want to read and how much we actually will are two different things. Unless you choose some titles you are pretty much assured to finish.
Like our eBook, PR 101.
Okay, putting a short eBook into the same category as the latest James Patterson or David Baldacci title might be a stretch. Yet you can find some good quality info on the value of public relations for your business in our book.
It also may inspire a few ideas for an eBook or lead magnet for your own business. That’s not quite as difficult as you might think. If you have an active blog or reasonably active blog, you may already have the content. PR Works can help you do the rest with a proprietary software that can produce a marketable eBook or lead magnet in fairly short order.
If you would like more information on our eBook services, drop a line. And if you’re looking for another quick read that you can finish before its time to reapply sunscreen, check out this eBook from our sister company, My Pinnacle Network, 15 Keep-It-Simple Tips for B2B Networkers
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