Congrats. You picked up a bunch of business cards at a recent networking event. A couple of these people you will follow up with for coffee and conversation. The rest, well, you’d like to keep in touch with them, but you’re not really sure how.
Right. You need to stay on their radar. “Salient relevancy” is the challenge here.
People have their own timelines and reasons for buying. And they will ONLY buy when something is salient and relevant to them. Example, their daughter is about to get married. The parents may be motivated to change their estate plan to reflect that the daughter’s inheritance is solely hers, not part of the community property of the new union. Thus, a divorce does not jeopardize the inheritance. Harsh, yes, but stuff happens.
If you are an estate planning specialist, this would be a good time to have your paths cross again.
How can you catch them at the right time? The only choice is to always being there. One of the simpler and least expensive ways of keeping in touch and always being there is through a monthly e- newsletter.
The e-newsletter doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be, complex. The best strategy is to share one topic of sincere interest and value to the reader. This will build readership, credibility, visibility and viability when the right time occurs.
The challenge is to keep the monthly drip, drip, drip coming. Let us know if we can help you make it rain.
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