Nowadays, people are looking for as many ways to reduce their monthly expenses as possible. For some that means buying longer, more energy efficient light bulbs. For others, maybe it’s one or two less meals out a week. Yet when it comes to reducing an expense like dry cleaning, most people feel boxed in by the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.
“If you read a lot of those tags, many will say ‘For best results, dry clean only’. And that makes perfect sense because dry cleaning is the best way to get something clean. But not every one of these items must be dry cleaned,” said Kevin Dubois, CEO of Lapels Dry Cleaning, an environmentally friendly dry cleaning franchise with more than 40 locations nationwide. “Truth be told, there are many ways to save money on dry cleaning, in addition to washing some ‘dry clean only’ items yourself.”
Dubois recommends:
- Read the garment label – Clothing is required by law to have a care label that recommends at least one cleaning method. Many manufacturers take a conservative approach and list “Dry Clean Only”. Some of these garments you might be able to wash on your own. Simple, unlined garments made of natural fibers or polyester can be washed by hand or on the gentle cycle in a washer in cold water.
- Clip Coupons and Watch for Specials – Many dry cleaners provide coupons in local mailers and online. You may also find special deals offered throughout the week. Be sure to “like” your dry cleaner’s Facebook page to keep in touch with same day specials.
- Keep Your Clothes Clean – Easier said than done, but the best way to avoid dry cleaning costs. Keep a stain removal pen or wipes handy. Wear a washable t-shirt under jackets to prevent perspiration stains. Apply deodorant, hair products, scented sprays and perfumes several minutes before getting dressed to reduce stains. After every wearing, hang your dry clean clothing up and allow it to air for several hours before hanging in a cramped closet.
- Select Clothing with Simple Construction and Washable Fabrics – Factor in the material and the cleaning options when making your clothing choices. A straight or a-line skirt costs less to have professionally cleaned than a pleated skirt. A sweater with no sequins or elaborate beading can be hand-washed. A wool coat is less expensive to clean than a suede coat.
One of the hidden costs of having your clothes professionally dry cleaned is the gas you use to go pick up your clothes. Factor in the amount of gasoline and time it takes to take clothes to a dry cleaner and pick them up. It may be time to look for a new cleaner who is closer to your office or home and has easy access.
“While cutting back where you can is important, you also want to get the most value for your dry cleaning dollar,” said Dubois, “That’s why it’s important to work with a dry cleaner that’s reliable, who does a great job on your clothes and provides superior customer service.”
Lapels has pioneered its eco-friendly dry cleaning experience for the past 10 years. Using the latest technology in equipment and cleaning solution, Lapels is one of the few dry cleaners able to boast that there is no hazardous waste in their process. Their environmentally-friendly cleaning process has no odor and is gentler on clothes, thus lengthening the life of clothes. At Lapels you can see, feel and smell the difference.
Lapels customers are greeted to a warm and inviting reception area, with friendly customer service representatives, and a full service on-site tailor.
Lapels offers it’s customers Automatic Rewards earning them credit towards free dry cleaning for every dollar they spend, Loyalty Programs, a VIP Program which eliminates the need to wait in line and the use of a 24 Hour Drop Off Service. Same day service is also available with pick-up after 5 pm.
For complete information on the Lapels Dry Cleaning, please visit www.mylapels.com.
Lapels Dry Cleaning – Environmentally Friendly Cleaners
Each Lapels Dry Cleaning store offers a full slate of services, including: same-day dry cleaning; shirt service; tailoring; shoe repair; wedding gown preservation; suede and leather processing; box storage and fur storage. Lapels Dry Cleaning has stores in Arizona (Gilbert, Phoenix, Chandler), California (Poway), Colorado (Littleton), Connecticut (Cromwell), Louisiana (Monroe, West Monroe), Massachusetts (Abington, Bedford, Boston, Brighton, Cambridge, Cohasset, Dedham, Easton, Framingham, Franklin, Hanover, Marshfield, Newtonville, Norton, Quincy, Walpole, Westford, Westwood and Wilmington), Missouri (Wildwood), New Jersey (Brick, Freehold and Verona), Ohio (Liberty Township), Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg), Oklahoma (Oklahoma City); Rhode Island (Lincoln); South Carolina (Myrtle Beach, Pawleys Island, Forest Village); Texas (Arlington). Additional locations coming soon to Austin, TX, Brownsville, TX and Cedar Park, TX.
Lapels Dry Cleaning has been ranked in Entrepreneur’s 26th Annual “Franchise 500” as well as Entrepreneur’s “Top 50 New Franchises,” identifying Lapels Dry Cleaning as one of today’s top franchise opportunities. Entrepreneur’s “Franchise 500” is the best and most comprehensive rating of franchises in the world and is based on objective, quantifiable measures of a franchise operation.
Lapels Dry Cleaning corporate offices are located at 962 Washington Street, Hanover, MA 02339.
To learn more about franchise opportunities with Lapels Dry Cleaning, call toll free (866) 695-2735 or email sales@lapelsdrycleaning.com. Additional information and up-to-date company news can also be found on the company’s Web site, www.lapelsdrycleaning.com.
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