Just twenty years old, Josh Snell can’t legally purchase a 6-pack – but he’s doing everything he can to make sure the rings don’t end up in our oceans.
Single-use plastics and disposable culture is wreaking havoc on the earth’s fragile ecosystem. Josh has taken it upon himself to become part of the solution to this increasingly severe issue by traveling from Portland, Maine to Portalnd, Oregon with a message of ecology and inclusion.
To support the effort, Snell launched an awareness and fund-raising traveling apparel company called Save The Wave. He has set the lofty goal of donating one million dollars to Ocean Conservancy. Only a month into his project, his Go Fund Me alone has already raised over three thousand dollars.
It all started with a humble inventory of 100 hoodies purchased using money Josh saved up working as a server at a local restaurant in his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania. After quickly doubling his investment, Josh took his operation to the next level by teaming up with a screen printer to convert secondhand clothing from thrift stores into “Save the Wave” branded merchandise. With profits from these efforts and the help of his skilled friends, Josh was able to purchase a small bus and convert it to a mobile shop and living space he nicknamed The Wave Saver.
In early August of 2019, Josh set out on cross country expedition in his bus in which he plans to follow the Atlantic coast, hug the USA / Mexico border and then work his way up the Pacific. All the while, he is stopping wherever he can to educate people about the threats our oceans face and encouraging them to spread the message with his T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, jackets, fanny packs and other responsibly produced merchandise. Revenue generated from sales keeps his wheels rolling and the rest goes to the non-profit, Ocean Conservancy.
Save The Wave Is already making a splash on major social media platforms. He has over 3K followers and counting on Instagram. The Save The Wave YouTube channel features engaging vlog style content with drone footage and impressive editing. Josh has even been featured on major media outlets including the radio station Rock 107.
Keep up with Save The Wave and find out when Josh and the Wave Saver is coming to your town. Visit the official website (https://wavysnell.com), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wavysnell/), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wavysnell/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/wavysnell) and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSXLXPHWaJvZn_kEwR_7OQ?view_as=subscriber). You can also donate directly to the Go Fund Me (https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-the-wave-wavysnell) campaign.
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