As a loyal season ticketholder for the past 22 years, Scott Hokanson has a vast knowledge of Patriots history and team trivia. That includes knowing the name of Coach Bill Belichick’s boat, V Rings. So after witnessing one of the most remarkable finishes in Super Bowl history in person at Super Bowl XLIX, Hokanson came up with a unique way to express his gratitude: to pay for Coach Belichick to update the name of his boat to VI Rings.
“I have a beautiful bride, five healthy children and a great business, but I promise you, I am not exactly proud of how happy this win makes me and how much fun I had on Sunday night in Phoenix,” joked Hokanson, a Plymouth businessman and resident. “But seriously, that was such an incredible experience that I would like to do something to express my respect and gratitude. Teaming Coach Belichick up with a local artist who can re-letter his beautiful Grady White is the least I can do.”
The “VI Rings” refers to the number of championship teams Coach Belichick has been a part of. In addition to four championships with the New England Patriots, he had been an assistant with two Super Bowl Champion New York Giants teams.
“His track record for excellence is beyond comparison,” said Hokanson. “I sincerely hope he does take me up on this genuine offer. He and his teams have given the people of New England so much joy. This seems an appropriate gesture.”
Hokanson has yet to reach out to Belichick directly, but he’s hoping the message of his offer reaches the Coach through other channels.
“I imagine he has more than a few people trying to get a hold of him right now,” said Hokanson. “Hopefully, this reaches people around him so he can reach out to me directly.”
Hokanson is the owner of Brabo Benefits, an employee benefits firm located in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Coach Belichick can reach Scott directly at 617-733-6471 or shokanson@brabobenefits.com to accept the offer.
For more information on Brabo Benefits, please visit www.brabobenefits.com.
A friend with benefits – Brabo Benefits
Based in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Brabo Benefits provides the full package of employee benefits solutions, including: health, dental, life, disability, and stop loss insurance. In addition, Brabo Benefits offers consultative services, such as underwriting support and health care reform compliance. For more information, visit www.brabobenefits.com or call 617-733-6471.
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