Can the sequel be better than the original? Plymouth Superintendent Gary Maestas, Ed.D. hopes so. Dr. Maestas and a group of DREAMRIDERs—including Plymouth students, current and former elected officials, local officials from neighboring towns, and citizens—will bike the course of the first DREAMRIDE in 2011, from Washington DC to Plymouth, Mass, in an effort to raise $100,000 in funds and share a health and wellness message with elementary school students.
“We learned quite a bit from the first ride five years ago and received some incredible feedback and suggestions and have incorporated those into DREAMRIDE2,” said Dr. Maestas. “Combine those improvements and the return of key sponsors like SPECIALIZED Bicycles, Serious Cycles, Beth Israel Deaconess-Plymouth, Ai3 Architects, the YMCA, Marty’s Buick GMC Isuzu who is providing the chase vehicle, and a handful of new sponsors and it’s safe to say the sequel will be better. Much better.”
For starters, Dr. Maestas will have a bigger team. Joining him on DREAMRIDE2 and helping him share the health and wellness message will be: AJ Maestas (Gary’s son and student at Babson College); Michelle Badger, Plymouth School Committee member; Sergio Harnais, former Plymouth Board of Selectmen Member; Scott Knief, Superintendent of Carver Public Schools; and Michael Schultz, Athletic Director of Carver Public Schools. Accompanying these riders will be a crew of approximately 12 bicycle mechanics, video and media crew, and support staff from the Plymouth schools. Marc Garrett, a Board Member of the Plymouth Education Foundation who has helped with the planning of the route, will be driving the chase vehicle and Wrestling Brewster, a Plymouth resident, will be driving the media RV.
The most dramatic new wrinkle for DREAMRIDE2, however, is the drawing to give away of SPECIALIZED brand bicycles to a student at every Plymouth elementary school as well as at schools the DREAMRIDE2 Team will be stopping at along the route. To be eligible for the drawing, students must take the DREAMRIDE Pledge (writing their name on a Pledge Card and submitting it to their teacher).
The DREAMRIDE2 pledge is as follows: When faced with a difficult situation, I will stop and think carefully about my options. I pledge to make decisions that will keep me strong, healthy, and happy, both now and in the years to come.
For each stop, there will be a rally, sponsored by Boosterthon Fun Run, where the DREAMRIDE team will talk about health and wellness, overcoming obstacles, staying active and healthy, and following your dreams. Students may participate in some spirit-lifting healthy physical activities and then a winner of a SPECIALIZED bicycle will be drawn.
The DREAMRIDE will be stopping at the following schools and YMCAs: Walter & Betty Ward Family Center Y in Abingdon, MD on June 6; William B. Keene Elementary School in Newark, DE on June 7; Christian Street Y in Philadelphia, PA on June 8; Greater Morristown YMCA in Cedar Knolls, NJ on June 9; Thomas Jefferson School in Morristown, NJ on June 10; Veterans Park Elementary School, in Ridgefield, CT also on June 10; and the South Shore YMCAs in both Quincy and Hanover, MA on June 12. The sponsorship of the Y has been an integral part of the ride as many of the YMCA’s will be providing dinner to the DREAMRIDE2 Team.
In addition to the grand prize winners, the DREAMRIDE2 will also be giving away helmets, Reebok sneakers, and other merchandise. All entrants will receive a colorful DREAMRIDE2 wristband.
“During the course of the ride, Dr. Maestas and his team will be Skyping with middle school and elementary classes back in Plymouth to share his experiences along the route, talk about how to overcome obstacles in order to achieve your goals, and to answer student questions. There are six Plymouth graduating seniors who will make up the media team providing a video journal of their time on the road and updating the website and social media daily.
The DREAMRIDE2 concludes on June 12 in Plymouth after stops the previous day in Mystic, Connecticut and the State House in Boston on the final day. With the help of Shaughnessy Rentals, the final rally will take place at Plymouth North High School with music, food, a meet & greet with the Plymouth Pilgrims baseball team, a home run derby challenge with the players, athletic demonstrations, and the final giveaway of four more SPECIALIZED bicycles to Plymouth and Carver students at the rally. A very special added component to the final rally is the community donation of used bicycles to Bicycles For Humanity. The community is encouraged to bring any used bicycles to the rally that will be donated to many in developing countries.
“Of course for the DREAMRIDE2 to be better than the original, we have to meet and exceed our fundraising goal of $100, 000,” said Dr. Maestas. “The response from the community and businesses in the area has been tremendous and we feel strongly that we can achieve that goal.”
Proceeds from DREAMRIDE2 will go directly to the Plymouth Education Foundation (www.plymoutheducationfoundation.org), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that solicits, manages, and distributes funds for educational purposes and activities that may not otherwise be funded. Monies raised by the DREAMRIDE2 will help fund health and wellness programs for students in the Plymouth School District.
For complete information on the DREAMRIDE2, including sponsorship and volunteer information, please visit www.dreamrideplymouth.org or contact Emily Goonan, DREAMRIDE2 Director at (774) 454-8983 or egoonan@plymouth.k12.ma.us.
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