The Old Sandwich Road Race (OSRR), part of which takes place on America’s oldest road—Old Sandwich Road in Plymouth—is looking for volunteers for the 2011 race, to be held on June 4 and June 5.
“The response in our first year was tremendous with more than 500 participants. For our second year, we’ve upped the ante and added a 5k, in addition to the half marathon, the Entergy 10k and the Kids Classic,” said Craig Valentine Brenner, OSRR race director. “What that means is that in addition to probably more participants, we’re going to need a lot more volunteers to help out.”
Volunteers are needed for race planning, fundraising and race weekend activities ranging from registration, water stations, security and more. If interested, send an e-mail to with “Volunteer” in the subject line or visit and click on the volunteers link.
The 2011 Old Sandwich Road Race will take place over the course of two days, Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5. The Saturday race will feature the Kids Classic and a new addition to the Old Sandwich Road Race, the OSRR 5k. Sunday’s main events include the OSRR Half Marathon, which takes place on Old Sandwich Road, and the Entergy 10k, beginning at Plimouth Plantation. All races end at Plymouth South High School.
“Volunteers are really the backbone of any race of this nature,” said Brenner. “Based on the initial registrations, the Old Sandwich Road Race is really on the verge of becoming a destination race. If you’re a runner, or used to be a runner, or just somebody who wants to help out a race that’s trying to raise money for a worthy cause, you couldn’t ask for a better race to be a part of,” said Brenner.
All profits from the 2011 Old Sandwich Road Race will go to The Home for Little Wanderers’ Baird Center School, located in Plymouth.
The Baird Center School is a year-round residential and day school treatment program for youth aged 10-18 with a wide range of emotional, behavioral, educational and psychiatric issues. Adding yet another historical element to the Old Sandwich Road Race, The Home for Little Wanderers is the nation’s oldest non-profit child and family service agency, with roots dating back to 1799.
For complete information on the Old Sandwich Road Race, you can visit the Old Sandwich Road Race Web site at Selected by Runner’s World, as “one of the five races not to miss in 2010”, The Old Sandwich Road Race also has pages on Facebook and Twitter. If you or your company is interested in sponsoring next year’s race, please contact Craig Valentine Brenner at 617-680-4230 or
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