My Pinnacle Network, a monthly business-to-business networking group, recently announced plans to start a new group in Quincy. The My Pinnacle Network-Quincy meeting will launch on Tuesday, June 18 at 8 a.m. at the offices of Propel Marketing, 108 Myrtle Street (6th floor) in Quincy. The group will then meet on the third Tuesday of the month going forward.
“June marks the end of the second quarter and it’s the perfect time to gauge what’s working and what’s not. If you’re a B2B professional and 2013 may be falling short of your expectations, supplementing your networking efforts with a group like My Pinnacle Network can right the ship for the rest of the year,” said Steve Dubin, one of the founders of My Pinnacle Network.
My Pinnacle Network currently hosts monthly networking meetings for business-to-business professionals in Bourne, Braintree, Hyannis, Mansfield, Marshfield, Norwell, Plymouth, Providence and Westborough.
My Pinnacle Network offers a special Charter Member rate of $200 per year for the first 12 B2B professionals who join any of the existing My Pinnacle Networks. B2B professionals can apply directly by going to www.mypinnaclenetwork.com. Only one B2B professional will be selected for each category. Those categories can be found at http://mypinnaclenetwork.com/about/categories.aspx.
“We do encourage prospective members to visit a My Pinnacle Network meeting before committing to join,” added Dubin.
My Pinnacle Network streamlines the networking process by putting members shoulder to shoulder with others who are in the exact same traffic lanes. Another advantage of this networking concept is that if approved, a member has the exclusive rights to their category for their group–more than 40 other categories will be represented at each meeting.
Beyond the B to B angle, My Pinnacle Network adds the element of “high tech” to “high touch” of monthly face to face meetings. All group data flows through a robust and easy to use website. This keeps everyone accountable and highly visible.
All introductions/leads are posted to the My Pinnacle Network website and the website’s automation both tracks leads and provides reminders to pursue them. Each member’s lead production and closing ratio can be measured by the group leader at any time. Thus, non-productive members can be further coached to improve their value to the group.
If you are interested in attending a meeting in your area, please contact Steven V. Dubin at SDubin@MyPinnacleNetwork.com or 781-582-1061 to RSVP. There is no charge to visit a My Pinnacle Network meeting.
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