As a catalyst in the current Plymouth Safe Driving campaign, it’s been King Collision Centers’ intent to teach safe driving habits to young drivers in Plymouth. Inadvertently, the Plymouth-based collision center has made history as perhaps the only collision center to initiate a safe driving campaign.
“Obviously, you never want anybody to get hurt. On the other hand, we do earn our living repairing automobiles. So it’s more than a bit unusual for a collision center to be a central figure in a safe driving campaign,” said Bruce King, owner of King Collision Centers. “Frankly, in all my years in this business, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of another collision center doing something quite like this.
The Plymouth Safe Driving program is a multi-pronged approach to promoting safe driving habits for Plymouth North and Plymouth South high schools. Working with Plymouth Public Schools, the Plymouth Police Department and Commerce Insurance, King developed a Web site,, offering safe driving and a safe driving contract for young drivers and their parents. The contract acts as the young driver’s pledge to drive responsibly.
Plymouth high school students who turn in a signed contract to their principal at either Plymouth North or South high school will be entered into a drawing for In Control’s Crash Prevention Training course (a $350 value). In addition to the winner, everyone who signs a contract and submits it to their respective principal is eligible to take the In Control Crash Prevention course at a 10 percent discount.
“The In Control training has a phenomenal record, reducing crashes involving new drivers by 70 percent,” said David Antocci, vice president of claims at Commerce Insurance. “If that’s not incentive enough, most insurance companies offer a discount on your auto policy for drivers young and old who complete the In Control training.”
As a reminder for young drivers to drive safely, the Plymouth Safe Driving campaign has and will continue to place two smashed cars at high traffic locations in town. Most recently, the two cars were at the Plymouth North-Plymouth South Thanksgiving Day football game. In addition, volunteers manned a booth and handed out safe driving tips and the student-parent driver contracts.
Over the winter months, students in Plymouth South High School’s Technical Studies program will repair one of the smashed vehicles and then sell it.
As for King, he’s comfortable making history with the Plymouth Safe Driving campaign, even if it’s potentially at the expense of getting business.
“The reality is that collision centers are never going to completely run out of business. With so many automobiles on the road, it’s just the law of averages,” said King. “With this campaign, if we can help just one kid become a better driver and avoid a serious accident, it’s well, well worth it.”
For updates on latest events and activities related to this program and additional safety information, please periodically visit
Anyone Can Remove Dents – King Collision Centers Removes Doubts
Founded in 1984 by Bruce King, King Collision Centers provides superior collision repair and extraordinary customer care to thousands of clients south of Boston. King Collision is dedicated to earning customers for life and their team of professionals help clients through the collision repair process every step of the way – from coordinating a rental vehicle; providing accurate damage appraisal; assisting with the insurance claim process and ensuring that the vehicle is returned to its pre-accident operation, safety and value.
King Collision Centers was voted “Best Collision Repair” by Market Surveys of America and they have been selected to participate in the Repair Shop Referral Programs of 20 different insurance companies. That includes being part of Commerce Insurance’s CARES (Commerce Auto Express Repair Service) Shops, an elite program that includes approximately 120 collision shops across Massachusetts.
The company continues to build strategic alliances with auto dealerships, enabling dealerships to offer collision repair services on-site – similar to their alignment with Mastria Auto Group in Raynham.
King Collision Centers are located in Pembroke, Plymouth and most recently, Raynham, MA. For more information, visit or contact 508-747-2005
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