Most business people have a LinkedIn profile. It’s a great way to research prospects before a meeting to see who they might be connected to in your network. Yet besides using it as a reference, have you ever gotten any business directly from people you reached out to on LinkedIn? Would you like to know how to?
On Wednesday, November 1 in Norwell and Wednesday, November 15 in Plymouth , The LinkedIn Sales Funnel – Hands-On Workshop will teach you how to transform that passive channel that currently is your LinkedIn account into a robust, proactive lead-generator. Led by LinkedIn experts Steve Dubin of PR Works and Eric Warner of Praxis Growth Advisors, a Sandler Training Company, each session will include:
The cost to attend each session is $149. To register, click on the links below: Wednesday, November 1, 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 62 Accord Park Drive, Suite 4, Norwell, MA 02061 Wednesday, November 15, 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. Plymouth Chamber of Commerce 134 Court Street, Plymouth, MA 02360
LinkedIn is like no other social media resource. Chances are your best prospects are on it. With this workshop, you will learn a viable strategy for connecting with those prospects and converting LinkedIn into a cash generator for your business. Sign up today! |
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