There’s still time to sign up for My Pinnacle Network’s Speed Networking event on Tuesday, February 25 at the Comfort Inn at 1374 North Main Street (Route 28) in Randolph. But not much time–or much space for that matter.
The evening will kick off with a cocktail hour followed by a short talk by FocalPoint Coaching’s Greg DeSimone on networking tips. Then, it’s straight into the speed networking, where attendees will literally sit down with every attendee to hear his or her elevator pitch and vice versa.
After the speed networking portion, we’ll convene for additional, informal networking.
The cost to attend is $19.95. There will be a cash bar and light hors d’oeuvres served. To register click here.
To date, about one third of the people who have signed up for Speed Networking are MPN members. So, if you are a My Pinnacle Network member and concerned about signing up and seeing a lot of people you already know, that’s not going to happen.
Again, we’re getting down to the home stretch and this will probably be the last Speed Networking event we hold for a while. Do not delay as space is limited!
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