MARSHFIELD, MA… South Shore parents and their daughters ages 2-7 will learn how to dance, sing, play instruments, draw, paint, do Irish Step Dancing, and play soccer on 10 Sunday mornings this winter as part of a new Hot Shots “Creativity Club” program at the Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield.
The Creativity Club will run for 10 Sunday mornings from January 22 through March 26, 2023 at the Boys & Girls Club, 37 Proprietors Drive in Marshfield. The sessions are held at 9, 10, and 11 a.m. and are open to all girls ages 2-7 on the South Shore.
Each of the Creativity Club’s 10 weeks will have a special theme with the full hour dedicated to either art, dance, music or soccer. And on the Sunday before St. Patrick’s Day, the girls will learn Irish Step Dancing.
The instructors are all artists, dancers, or musicians with years of experience working with very young children at some of the very best Boston-area arts organizations: the South Shore Conservatory in Hingham and Duxbury, The South Shore Arts Center in Cohasset, and the Pembroke School of Performing Arts.
Incorporating the arts will be another way to achieve the Hot Shots five-part mission of having fun while building the girls’ self-esteem, parental bonds, skill sets, and love of reading (Hot Shots holds a story time every week and sends the girls home with five books every Sunday).
“Over the last 26 years, thousands of parents and their daughters have had so much fun playing soccer with one another that we thought it would be even more fun to add dance, art, and music this winter,” said John Wilpers, founder and director of Hot Shots Soccer for Girls, a program of the Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield.
“Instead of the typical youth program experience where the grown-ups are just taxi drivers and observers at a distance, we have 100 percent parent participation,” Wilpers said. “The moms, dads, and caregivers do everything with their daughters. This winter, they will dance, paint, make music, and play soccer together. As a result, they will have tons of fun and build special memories and strong bonds with their daughters.”
Parents and caregivers of the nearly 5,000 girls who have graduated Hot Shots over the last 26 years love what the experience has meant for their girls and themselves.
“The impact Hot Shots has had on my daughter is astounding,” said Meaghan Segalla. “She is very shy by nature, and Hot Shots has helped her come out of her shell. She has become confident in her soccer and artistic abilities. She is proud of what she’s accomplished and believes in herself more than ever.”
The fee is $195 (need-based scholarships and reduced rates are available). Registration is online at
For more information, email or text/call 617-688-0137.
About Hot Shots
The Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield is a partner and the “home base” of Hot Shots, the popular sports programs for girls ages 2 to 6 years old with the mission to build girls’ self-esteem, parental bonds, skills, love of reading and fun.
Since 1996, nearly 5,000 girls have graduated from Hot Shots. Most girls return year after year, and many come back to coach after they’re too old to play. For more information about Hot Shots, visit
About the Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield
The Boys & Girls Club of Marshfield’s mission is to enable and inspire all young people to realize their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens as well as become tomorrow’s capable leaders. The Club provides programming opportunities in the Boys & Girls Club of America’s (BGCA) five core areas including leadership, education, health, arts, and fitness. The Club serves families with children ranging in age from 5 to 18 years old, and provides critical services the community needs to support children and families over the short- and long-term. For more information, visit their website or call 781-834-2582.

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