Masters Touch Design Build, the award-winning custom home and renovation contractor based in Holliston, MA, has recently expanded their exterior siding market and has aligned with an elite partner, James Hardie.
Masters Touch has become a licensed James Hardie contractor and was one of a select few New England companies invited to the 2017 James Hardie Contractor Summit. Doug Masters, founder and Rich Noyes, marketing manager of Masters Touch attended the three day summit which was held at Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort in Phoenix, Arizona.
“This summit was a tremendous educational opportunity for us as well as a very valuable networking opportunity,” said Masters, whose company was the recipient of six CotY Awards in 2017. “We gained new ideas for business growth, learned new ways of making our businesses more efficient, and obtained solutions to common problems. Our goal will be to implement all of these aspects to further our James Hardie exterior siding business segment.”
Masters and Noyes met with James Hardie installation specialists to ensure that they are following all James Hardie best practices. They attended four Keynote sessions: Rodney Webb’s Selling Tools session; Brian Carter’s Marketing session; Sean Gadd’s James Hardie Update; and Preston Swincher’s Selling Across Generations session. They also attended the Digital Marketing & Social Media, Lead Generation, In-Home Selling and Production advisory groups.
“James Hardie products are now the standard of the industry and include complementing trim that can be used for corner boards, window and door trim, soffits, and just about everywhere else on the home,” explained Masters. “James Hardie has rapidly gained a strong market share in Massachusetts due to the high quality, affordable solutions it can offer the modern homeowner and we expect significant growth over the next couple of years.”
About Master’s Touch
Founded by Doug Masters in 1997, Masters Touch received three Contract of the Year (CotY) Awards in 2016 and six CotY Awards in 2017. From high-end design build projects; custom homes, kitchen and bath renovations, to exterior home care, Masters Touch caters to homeowners throughout eastern Massachusetts. With a team of more than 50 including home designers, interior designers, and master craftsmen, Masters Touch can handle virtually any new home construction project or design build renovation to existing homes.
Masters Touch is located at 24 Water Street, Holliston, MA. For more information contact 508-359-5900 or visit www.MastersTouchWeb.com.
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