New England Franchise Association (NEFA) will present ” Franchise Financing: Keys to Success in the Current Economic Climate” on Tuesday, November 18, 5:30 p.m. at the Marriot Hotel, 1000 Marriott Drive, Quincy.
The panel discussion will outline how successful franchise development requires franchisors to stay up to date on all financing options available. Expert panelists include Anne Rice Hunt, Finance Chief, U.S Small Business Administration; Barbara Arena, CIT Small Business Lending, Senior Regional Account Manager; Bill Rowland, Equity America Mortgage Services; Itamar Chalif, Atlantic Capital Solutions; and Tom McDonald, IRA Rollover Solutions. The discussion will be moderated by Constantine (Dean) Fournaris, Partner, Wiggin and Dana.
In today’s economy one of the biggest concerns of a franchise system is how and where to get capital for franchisees to start their business or ways for franchisees to keep it running or to finance their growth. This panel discussion is valuable for each member of your franchise development team as well as for existing franchisees, or prospective franchisees interested in expansion. You will learn how banks and other lending organizations evaluate franchisee loan applications, and the types of funding that is available, even in these unsettled financial times.
The evening includes a cocktail and networking session beginning at 5:30 PM, dinner at 7:00 PM, and then the presentation. The entire business community is urged to attend. Membership in the NEFA is NOT required. Reservations are required. Registration Fee is $60 per person and includes dinner. All NEFA Members get $10.00 off.
For information regarding NEFA membership visit
About NEFA:
New England Franchise Association (NEFA) is the trade organization for franchisors and franchisees in the region, with over 150 members. The mission of NEFA is to bring franchise executives, franchisees and vendors together to share ideas for success.
Franchising more than ever before, has an unprecedented opportunity to make a major positive impact on the future New England economy. In a 2001-05 study conducted by PriceWaterhouseCoppers on behalf of the International Franchise Association (IFA) found that in New England over 875,000 jobs area result of franchising, the total output is over 100 Billion dollars a year, and there are over 35,000 franchise establishments in the six New England States.
To reserve your seats, please contact New England Franchise Association via the organization’s website, email:, or by calling NEFA Executive Director Jim Coen, (617) 469-3002.
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