The National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) recently announced that Evan Hackel, a cooperative management expert and founder of Ingage Consulting of Woburn, MA, will be a keynote speaker at its upcoming annual meeting and conference, October 4-7, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The Power of Cooperative Principles– community, cooperation, democracy, education, independence, membershipand participation–is the theme for the 2011 NCBA conference. Hackel‘s presentation, entitled The Ultimate Business Model, will demonstrate that a cooperative is more than a business model but an organization founded on an action-oriented set of principles.
“With all the many virtues of a cooperative—and there are many–it’s just another business model without the essential ingredient of members actually cooperating,“ said Hackel. “Part of my talk will illustrate what happens when members of a cooperative are engaged in the process and how that can transform the entire organization.“
Hackel has more than a quarter of a century’s experience in the cooperative world. Prior to founding Ingage Consulting, Prior to being a consultant, he managed eight different cooperative, including Carpet One Floor & Home, a retail flooring cooperative with $3.5 billion in sales and more than 1,000 stores operating in four countries
“Evan brings a wealth of co-op experience on both sides of the table—member and advisor—that enable him to bring an invaluable perpsective to members attending the conference,“ said Adam Schwartz, NCBA’s vice president of public affairs and member services. “Not only does Evan provide a wealth of information, but does so in an interactive format that truly does engage people.“
The NCBA conference features 16 sessions over the course of three days. Some of the notable workshops and sessions include:
- Cooperative Financials & Plan It and Prove It
- Cooperative Best Practice
- Building a Young Professional Cooperative Community
- Protecting Your Co-op in the Online World
- Growing the Cooperative Economy
“NCBA’s annual conference is an invaluable opportunity for cooperators from all sectors to get together, share challenges and opportunities, and envision a more cooperative economy together,“ said Erbin Crowell, Neighboring Food Cooperative Association.
For complete information on the NCBA Annual Meeting and Co-op Conference, please visit www.powerofprinciples.coop.
To arrange a speaking engagement with Evan Hackel, contact (781) 569-5900. For further information on Ingage Consulting, visit www.ingageconsulting.com.
About Ingage Consulting
Ingage Consulting is a management consulting firm that works with cooperatives and cooperative councils and leadership to improve the organization’s culture which in turn increases sales and satisfaction; improves growth and retention and boosts loyalty and profits.
Ingage Consulting provides solutions that drive the cooperation, commitment, passion and loyalty of cooperative members. They offer unique services that help solve the problems of cooperatives in a number of ways. Working closely with clients, the Ingage Consulting team quickly and thoughtfully assesses, understands and devises solutions to a cooperative organization’s challenges. Leaders come away with ideas for improvement, including methods for maximizing collaboration among co-op members and a clear strategy and execution plan for change, customized to meet organizational objectives. Ingage Consulting’s proven techniques to increase collaboration brings about greater productivity and success on many levels. In short, Ingage Consulting makes cooperatives more successful.
Ingage Consulting is located at 400 Trade Center, Suite 5900 in Woburn, MA. For more information, contact (781) 569-5900 or visit the website www.ingage.net.
About NCBA
Founded in 1916, the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) was known as the Cooperative League of the USA (CLUSA) until 1985. It was the first, and remains the only national organization for all types of co-ops in the United States. NCBA’s mission is to develop, advance and protecting cooperatives. NCBA is been the national voice for U.S. cooperatives, helping them compete in a changing economic environment.
For information on NCBA, please visit www.ncba.coop. For information on NCBA’s national conference, please visit www.powerofprinciples.coop.
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