The Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield will hold their second annual “Marshfield Polar Express” magical train ride event on Saturday, December 12, 2009! Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased online at http://www.marshfieldpolarexpress.com or at the Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield located at LibraryPlaza.
The Marshfield Polar Express magical train ride event will come to life on the Kingston commuter rail on December 12th. The train is scheduled for four one-hour train rides during the course of the day at 11:45 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7:10 p.m.
Kids are encouraged to wear their pajamas for the ride. All the children will give their Wish List to Santa and enjoy a story, hot chocolate & cookies. There will be much merriment and singing of Christmas Carols and every child will receive a special gift from Santa.
All proceeds from the Marshfield Polar Express event benefit the privately funded, non-profit the Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield. Last year, each train ride was nearly filled to capacity. More than $30,000 was raised to support the club’s programs and scholarships.
To learn more about the Marshfield Polar Express, visit http://www.marshfieldpolarexpress.com.
About the Boys and Girls Club
The Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield’s purpose is to establish a safe haven for recreation, which includes a variety of supervised activities for greater than 4,000 youth (between the ages of 6 to 18 years old) within the town. The Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield has five Core Areas: Character and Leadership; Education and Career; Health, Sport Fitness Recreation and Life Skills; The Arts; and Technology. These Core Areas serve as the foundation for all programming.
As a privately-funded, non-profit organization, the Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield relies tremendously on the generous philanthropic support of individuals. Financial gifts assist in providing the financial strength necessary to continue the club’s mission “to enable and inspire all young people to realize their full potential as productive and responsible citizens, as well as become tomorrow’s capable leaders.”
For more information about the Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield, please contact (781) 834-CLUB (2582) or visit the website at MarshfieldBoysAndGirlsClub.com or write to the club at P.O. Box 311, Marshfield, MA 02050.
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