Students in the Summer Extended Day Program at Arnone School in Brockton recently raised an impressive $500 for Old Colony Elder Services’ (OCES) Meals on Wheels Program, and also created handmade placemats and bags to be delivered to a number of Meals on Wheels recipients in Brockton.
As their summer community service project, approximately 400 students ranging from Kindergarten to 7th grade, in Arnone School’s program, decided that OCES’ Meals on Wheels Program and its recipients would benefit from their project.
The students held a “Penny War” fundraiser to raise money for the Meals on Wheel program. Three groups of students, K-Grade-1, Grade 2-3 and Grade 4-7, participated in the spare change fundraising competition. The groups competed to see which one could fill their jar with the most pennies.
The K-Grade 1 group was in the lead, and on the last day of their Penny Wars, the Grade 4-7 group brought in a ton of change and won. The money raised was donated to OCES in support of the Meals on Wheels program.
Additionally, the students crafted personal and colorful placemats and lunch bags which will be presented to OCES Meals on Wheels consumers in Brockton with their nutritious meal delivery.
“The students from Arnone School’s program did an amazing job with their community service project – raising a remarkable $500 for OCES’ Meals on Wheels program. It’s truly inspirational to see youth giving back to the community,” said Nicole Long, CEO of OCES. “The Meals on Wheels program is an essential program for many older adults who are homebound, unable to prepare meals, manage their grocery shopping or able to attend one of our community dining sites. We’d like to thank the students for their thoughtful efforts and generous donation to our Meals on Wheels program. They are really making a difference in our community.”
With the help of more than 760 volunteers, OCES, the non-profit agency proudly serving older adults and individuals with disabilities throughout greater Plymouth County and surrounding communities, delivers more than 1,600 meals each week to Meals on Wheels recipients in their service area.
To learn more about OCES’ Meals on Wheels program, visit www.ocesma.org/getting-started/nutrition/
About OCES
Founded in 1974, OCES proudly serves greater Plymouth County and surrounding communities. OCES is a private, non-profit organization headquartered in Brockton with a second office in Plymouth. OCES is designated as one of 26 Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. OCES’ mission is to support the independence and dignity of elders and people with disabilities by providing essential information and services that promote healthy and safe living. The agency offers a number of programs to serve seniors, individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers. For more information call 508-584-1561 or visit www.ocesma.org.
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